A snapshot: Energy resources are either renewable or non-renewable. They occur in nature and differ in many ways while being similar in others. The definition, examples, environmental friendliness, quantity, accessibility, maintenance cost, exhaustiveness, and sustainability distinguish renewable and non-renewable energy resources.

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Renewable Energy vs. Non-renewable Energy Resources.

Let’s first have a look at what energy resources are.

What are Energy Resources

Energy Resources are sources that produce various forms of energy for generating electricity, heating, and so on. They can be renewable or non-renewable. Examples are nuclear, solar, Wind, fossils, hydro, biomass, etc.

How Are Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Resources Different?

There are various ways renewable and non-renewable energy resources are different, and it obviously shows in their definitions.


A renewable energy resource is a source of energy that produces energy that can easily be replenished naturally and timely, after use. They mostly occur in nature and are non-conventional sources of energy.

A non-renewable resource is a source of energy that can get depleted with time and can only be replenished after a very long period of time (in millions of years). They are mostly conventional sources of energy


Examples of Renewable energy resources are solar (sunlight), biomass, wind, geothermal, air, hydro (water), wood, etc.

Examples of Non-renewable resources are coal, Crude oil, natural gas, nuclear (uranium), petroleum, etc.


Renewable energy resources do not deplete because they get replenished as they are used. The demand for it is far less than its supply. For example, sunlight is what we keep using every day, but day after day, it keeps shining and producing energy with no sign of ever depleting. In fact, we actually underuse it.

Non-renewable energy resources can easily get depleted, as many of them take too much time to replenish. There is some popular notion that in the future, its supply will be reduced. For example, it has been argued that the currently available crude oil beneath the earth’s surface will run out in the future. Also, coal is said to be limited because it takes millions of years to replenish

Environmental friendliness

Renewable energy resources are friendly to the environment as they create little or no pollution in the environment. They are also said to be carbon emission-free.

Most non-renewable energy resources create pollution in the environment. So, they are not considered environmentally friendly. They emit lots of carbon and other greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming.


Renewable energy resources are available in abundance and in an unlimited quantity. For example, the sun is always radiating energy in unlimited quantity, water occupies about 70% of the earth’s crust, the air is always blowing, and so on.

Non-renewable energy resources are in limited quantity as they do not replenish while they are being used. For example, as coal is used, it does not renew. So, its quantity keeps reducing.


Renewable energy resources are more accessible as they are available in most (if not all) areas of the earth’s surface. For example, the sun raidates solar energy all over the world.

Non-renewable energy resources are less accessible as they are available only in a few areas of the earth’s surface. For example, nuclear materials such as Uranium is only aceessible in some places of the earth.


The cost of renewable energy resources is quite low. For example, solar energy is so cheap that it does not cost much to use. It is available in abundance and can’t be monopolized. That is, if you need solar energy to generate electricity, the sunlight is cheaply available outside, with no extra cost. The same goes with the wind, water, and others.

In comparison, the cost of non-renewable energy resources is quite high. For instance, if coal is needed to generate electricity, it will take some costly processes to get the needed coal to the power station. Also, it is costly to extract crude oil.

Cost of maintenance

Most renewable energy resource-driven power systems require less maintenance. Thus, its maintenance cost is low. For example, solar power systems require little maintenance.

Non-renewable energy resource-driven power systems, such as nuclear power stations, require lots of maintenance. Thus, its maintenance cost is high.


Most renewable energy resources are inexhaustible. For example, solar energy is inexhaustible because it will not get depleted under any condition. It provides solar energy day after day. However, wood can be considered exhaustible because it can be exhausted under certain conditions: If it is used rigorously without more trees being planted, it will get exhausted.

Non-renewable energy resources can be exhausted. For example, petroleum will get exhausted because it does not increase but depletes as it is used.

Area required for installing power systems

For the same capacity, more space is needed to install renewable resource-driven power systems than non-renewable resource-driven power systems. This is mostly because the technology used in harnessing renewable energy resources is not as efficient as that of non-renewable resources.

For example, for the same power generation capacity, a solar power station would need a lot more space than a nuclear power station. This is because of the low efficiency of the solar panels.


Renewable energy resources are sustainable as they look to keep meeting the demand for energy in the world now and in the future. This is why renewable energy sources are forms of sustainable energy.

Non-renewable energy resources are not sustainable because they can’t be easily replenished and, at some point in the future, won’t be able to meet the world’s energy demand.

Similarities Between Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Sources.

Having talked about how renewable and renewable energy resources are different, they are also similar in some ways:

  • They are both natural resources.
  • They both have their own individual advantages and disadvantages.
  • They are both beneficial to mankind.
  • They produce energy.

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